
New Logo for Meandering Mohawk

June 19, 2017

New Logo:

If you’ve examined the new website, I have had three rapid fire entries that are now posted. I owe debts of acknowledgement to a lot of folks who’ve made this site what it is now. I again owe such a large debt of gratitude to Zak at 1 Big Web Design for this redesign of Meandering Mohawk.
But I also owe a huge Nah:weh to Alyssa M General for such a great new logo for the site. She also did my logo for SUNY Press’s Critical Haudenosaunee Studies Series as well. Rather than try to explain how this new logo came about—I thought I’d let the artist explain it in her words.  Except to say, that I am humbled by her thoughts and words, and of course the logo!! Many Nah:wehs!!


From the Artist:

Alyssa M. General (on New Meandering Mohawk Logo):

Shé:kon Sewakwé:kon, 

Alyssa niwakhsennò:ten, Kanien’kehá:ka niwakonhwentsiò:ten, wakeniáhton, táhnon kia’taráhstha wakió’te. My name is Alyssa M. General. I am Mohawk Nation, Turtle Clan, and I am an artist. I helped develop the logo for The Meandering Mohawk- (Kevin White’s Blog). 

I came to know Kevin, through his work on Rotinonhsión:ni Creation Stories during Six Nation Polytechnic’s Conversations in Cultural Fluency. I am a Rotinonhsión:ni legend and folklore enthusiast, so I was pleased to have the opportunity to meet him. After several discussions, it became apparent that his fervor for language and culture transcends academia and is illuminated here, through his thoughts and words on Meandering Mohawk. 

When he mentioned that he was remodeling his website, I jumped at the chance to create a meaningful logo to accompany his writing, something cerebral that resonates with the thought and care he puts into his work.

The logo for the Meandering Mohawk was inspired by the Two Row Wampum; illustrating the way the writer traverses between Rotinonhsión:ni and Western ways of thinking. The red accents on the feathers and the satchel are meant to represent the Kanyen’kehá:ka (Mohawk Nation), the carrying and sharing of knowledge, as well as the traditional word for a man- ratiskenrakéhte (he carries rust on his shoulders).

Kevin J. White
Toronto, CA